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Ready to take control over operations, but not really sure where to start? We can help you with that!

Fill in the following form and we will get in touch to better understand your outlets and your needs.

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Ideagen Op Central's system helps us to support our franchisees in an efficient and scalable manner. I recommend it to any business looking to team up with a smart and proven system that delivers results across multi-unit operations.

Darren Lane
Former CEO

The whole self-auditing process only takes a few minutes and it allows us to maintain the highest standards in cake presentation, covid-safe practices and anything else that we need to help our franchisees with.

Ken Roseberry
The Cheesecake Shop

Ideagen Op Central allows us to remotely connect and keep our franchisees up to date with all communications, eliminating any barriers that they may experience

Adrian Giannarelli
Digital Marketing Officer
La Porchetta